
Veranstaltungen / Events:

Biennale Riviera del Brenta / Verleihung Canaletto Price in Venedig (25.04.2016)

The Canaletto Prize – Artistic Career Award, is givent to those artists who emerged thanks to their contribution to the world of art during their artistic ca- reer. For the occasion will be selected, by Salvatore Russo and Francesco Save- rio Russo, some of the best international and contemporary artists.

The awarding ceremony will take place in Mira, at Valier Mansion on April 25th, 2016 at 4.00 pm, during the event “Riviera del Brenta Biennale’’.

This Riviera was a popular hang-out for personalities such as Casanova, Galileo, Byron and D’Annunzio. It inspired Mozart, was portrayed by Tiepolo and Canaletto and praised by Goethe and Goldoni. It ho- sted the royal French and Russian fami- lies as well as Napoleon and the Habsburg and Savoy families.

The participant artists will receive a bronze medal ‘’Canaletto Award 2016’’ in addition to the important publication on the catalog rea- lized for the event and the insertion into the International magazine ‘’Art International Contemporary Magazine’’.

The show “Narcissus – Painting inventor myth’’ by Nico Gattullo and Jacub Rizman, will frame this international event.

During the event, will be offered a ‘’wine mo- ment’’ with a tasting menu of Canaletto wine, a fine product by Casa Girelli.